Copyright © Lou D'Elia. All rights reserved.
Juxtaposed Journey: Power and Vulnerability
(tag 778)
Assemblage (12.5” x 7.5” x 2.25”)
- 6-fuse electrical panel mounted on slate with 4 fuses
- quadriptych photo showing 3 views of a man’s face and one of his right chest
- coil spring gong from an antique clock
Artist description:
This artwork provides a commentary on society’s views of masculinity, utilizing a fuse panel as a metaphor for strength and dominance. This is contrasted against the innate softness and susceptibility of human skin. Society often expects men to exhibit strength and resilience under pressure, without showing signs of fatigue or burnout. Yet, it’s important to acknowledge that fragility is an intrinsic aspect of all humans, irrespective of their gender. The title of this piece implies a journey towards achieving equilibrium between the capacity to transform oneself and the inherent vulnerability needed to embrace one’s authentic self.