Adoration of the Magi
(aka Better Late Than Never)
(tag : Believe 8320)
Private Collection
Assemblage (17.5” x 18.25” x 2”)
- vintage devotional triptych
- all seeing eye from US one dollar bill
- vintage photograph of full frontal nude male
Artist description:
The “Adoration of the Magi” is the name traditionally given to the subject ‘The Nativity of Jesus’ in art in which the three Magi’s (the 3 kings) set out on a journey following a star to find the newborn Jesus so that they can worship him and celebrate his birth with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Adoration of the Magi is a favorite subject of Christian art: chiefly painting.
In D’Elia’s version, we see that the three kings quite obviously have arrived several years late. The secondary title to this artwork is ‘Better Late Than Never’ suggesting that finding a spiritual connection is welcomed whenever or where ever it happens.