Daddy’s Boy
(tag 090)
Assemblage (18.5” x 18” x 2.75”)
- foundry mold
- metal numbers strip, 2456
- gold painted pot metal antique mantle clock decorations
- antique mantle clock gong
- copper wire spring
- photo
Artist description:
It is not unusual to see relationships where one of the partners is significantly older than the other. In heterosexual couplings it is fairly common to see an older man dating a much younger woman. This is also true within the gay men’s community, and there are dating apps such as SilverDaddies and DaddyHunt to assist with making a connection.
Here we see a 24 year old “Daddy’s Boy,” with the metal numbers atop suggesting that his partner is 56 years old. The use of a mantle clock gong is a reference to time. The phallic shaped coil suggests that the ‘boy’ is uncircumcised. As the backdrop we see an old hand-made foundry mold that had been previously discarded.
Publication History:
2023 LGBT Heritage Month Calendar and Cultural Guide
Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles. (Full page 89)