(tag 703)
Assemblage (10.25” x 8” x 1.25”)
- antique photography contact printing frame
- vintage tin type photograph
- upholstery fringe
- pump organ voicing knob (aka: organ pullers)
- wood frame
Artist description:
This piece shows a male couple circa early 1870s. One can only imagine how difficult it must have been for them to have a relationship living as a couple. The photograph used in this artwork may be the only evidence that remains of their relationship and life together. Photography was very expensive back in those days and so their documenting their relationship with photography says a lot about their commitment and love for each other. They also had to go to the extra effort and perhaps risky effort to locate a photographer who would agree to take their photo.
This artwork is made using an antique photography contact printing frame as the base, and also uses a pump organ voicing knob as a visual pun for the bully derogatory term, ‘organ puller.’ The red cloth fringe references the Victorian times when this couple lived. Dolce translates to “sweet,” likely reflecting the tone of their relationship.