Copyright © Lou D'Elia. All rights reserved.
Fragile. Choices.
(tag 777)
A Rolling Conundrum
Assemblage (55” x 22.5” x 14.5”)
- circa 1920’s copper magnetic clock remnant with oak cabinet
- neon light tubing and transformer with AC electrical outlet plug
- copper eagle coin bank
- copper skeleton key
- insulated wires
- large metal thumb tack
- copper wire
- round copper beveled glass frame
- photograph of a human being birthed from a cracked egg
- rolling table
Artist description:
This artwork is about the fragility of life and the dangers and challenges faced during the journey. There is a somewhat hidden copper key hanging inside the oak cabinet reflecting that one can chose to exit life at any time.
This artwork is part of D’Elia’s ‘Rolling Conundrum’ series. The rolling conundrums are artworks created to represent challenges that confront us everywhere in the world.
Publication History:
Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles. (Page 50)