Good Times Burn Fast (Clock)
(tag 800)
Assemblage (20” x 28” x 7.5”)
- 100 year old mantel clock
- gold painted tin wings
- upholstery tacks
- postage scale
- fortune cookie sayings
- animal skull
- copper wire
Artist description:
This artwork is a commentary on the fact that even if you are fortunate to live to be 100 years old (or older) life passes very quickly. The artist is commenting on the importance of living your life, actualizing who you are as the unique individual that you are, and adding that back into the world. As Pancho Barnes, famous aviatrix, was noted for saying, “Don’t try to be like anyone else because we’ve seen that already!” This artwork is made up of a century old mantel clock with attached tin wings painted gold, and an antique postage scale sitting on top that has a red fox skull wrapped in copper wire. The artist has affixed to the front of the scale numerous Chinese fortune cookie sayings that he collected over the course of two years. The weight of the skull has the pointer on the scale pointing to the fortune cookie saying, “Good times burn fast.”