Copyright © Lou D'Elia. All rights reserved.
Role. Model.
(tag 703)
Assemblage (22.5” x 12.25” x 2.25”)
- vintage small suitcase lid with wallpaper lining
- as found torn vintage photograph
- double coat hook with white paint added
- rusted gear mechanism attached to wood
Artist description:
This is the first assemblage artwork created by D’Elia. At the invitation of Susan Tibbles (assemblage-artist/curator), D’Elia was encouraged to start creating art and submit something to the juried “Bull Show” exhibition in Santa Barbara, California. The criteria for entering an artwork was that it had to reference a bull.
D’Elia used an inverted antique coat hook, painted white, to suggest the horns of a bull. D’Elia was awarded the ribbon for “Best Emerging Artist.”
Collection of the artist